Crafting the Perfect Travel Blog: Must-Have Pages for your Website

Updated August 25, 2023
Updated August 25, 2023

Listen up wanderlusting friends! It’s your pal Miguel back again to drop knowledge bombs on building the perfect travel blog.

You finally took the leap to start sharing your adventures – congrats!

Now it’s time to create a killer website that transforms your passion into profits.

But with so many options out there, where do you even start? No need to stress! I’ll break down the essential pages you need step-by-step so even a newbie can nail their travel blog layout.

We’ll cover all the basics today – from your awesome About Page to money-making Affiliate and Advertising pages. I’ll explain what each page is for and how to optimize it.

By the end, you’ll have a blueprint for crafting an amazing travel blog that readers and search engines will love. Let’s hit the open road and do this!


Your Homepage is the Front Door


The homepage is where visitors first land on your travel blog. It needs to make a stellar first impression!

This is your chance to immediately show readers what makes your blog unique. Dazzle them right from the start so they stick around to explore.

Some tips for an epic homepage:

Share your story – Give readers a glimpse into your travel journey so far. Photos of your favorite destinations and a bit about how you caught the bug are a great start. Make it personal and fun!

Highlight stellar content – Feature snippets of popular articles or videos to show readers your best stuff. Tease the value they’ll find in your content.

Add clear calls-to-action – Have visible buttons to your About Page, Popular Posts, Shop, Contact, etc. Make it obvious how to dive in.

Optimize navigation – Menus across the top and/or side make it easy to navigate. Group pages logically.

Mobile responsive – Test the homepage on phones to ensure it looks fabulous on all devices. No teensy text or wonky layouts!

The homepage is your travel blog’s welcoming committee. Make readers feel right at home from the start!


The About Page Introduces You


Now it’s time for introductions – that’s where your About Page comes in. This gives readers the scoop on who you are and what inspires you.

Share details like:

Your backstory – How did you catch the travel bug? Why do you travel? Most impactful places visited? Fun facts and anecdotes are welcome!

Your specialties – What types of adventures do you focus on? (Solo travel, family trips, budgeting, etc). Show your unique experiences.

Your vibe – What do you hope readers get out of your content? Inspiration? Practical tips? Wanderlust? Share your blog’s tone and mission.

Your goals – Are you aiming to visit every country? Or show how travel can be affordable? Whatever your dream, share it!

Your credentials – Any relevant expertise like journalism, photography skills, or languages spoken? Show readers why you’re qualified.

Contact info – In case readers want to get in touch! Include email, social media, etc.

The About Page builds trust and helps readers connect with the person behind the blog – you! Let your passion shine through.


Start a Blog? Check the Resources Page!


Once bitten by the travel bug, many readers get inspired to start their own blogs. Give them a helping hand with your Resources Page!

Include things like:

How you started blogging – What platform, tools, courses, and resources helped you launch your travel blog and grow it? Share your experiences starting out.

Beginner basics – A quick intro to starting a blog including choosing a platform, selecting hosting, setting up a domain name, website security, etc. Explain key terms in simple language.

Must-have gear – The camera, laptop, bags, adapters, and other essential gear you use on the road. Give budget-friendly options too!

Top plugins/apps – What plugins do you rely on for SEO, speed, and functionality? Any must-have travel apps? Share your faves to help new bloggers hit the ground running.

Monetization Overview – A high-level look at how travel blogs can make money through ads, affiliates, sponsors, tours, etc. Give readers inspiration.

Travel blogging resources – Link a list of your favorite courses, books, websites, and tools for getting started. Curate the best stuff.

Pay your blogging knowledge forward on your Resources Page! It shows readers you’re invested in their success too.



Now let’s talk about one of the most valuable pages for travel blogs – the Popular Posts page.

This highlights your most viewed, shared, and commented-on articles and videos so far. It shows readers your greatest hits based on what fellow wanderlusters found useful.

Benefits include:

Increased engagement – Readers see popular content right away so they dive into what fellow travelers love. Bounce rates down!

Improved SEOSearch engines give pages more “link juice” and authority when other articles link back to them. Popularity = higher rankings!

More social shares – Seeing something is already shared makes readers more likely to share too. This social proof creates a viral effect.

Valuable analytics – You can spot your strongest performing content and create more of that type of material. Lean into what works.

A simple title like “Most Popular” with a list of top 5-10 posts is all you need. Let your best content rise to the top!


Build Community with the Contact Page


One of the best parts of travel blogging is building a community with your readers. A Contact Page facilitates this.

It allows readers to get in touch and potentially:

  • Suggest topics or ideas
  • Give feedback on your content
  • Ask questions or get help
  • Offer opportunities like sponsorships
  • Share their own stories and adventures

Make it easy for readers by including:

  • Email address
  • Social media handles
  • Contact form with fields for name, email, and message
  • Photo of yourself smiling!

Pro tip: respond to every message. Building relationships one reader at a time creates true community. They’ll have your back as you grow!


Start Earning with Affiliate Disclaimer Page


Cha-ching! Now we’re getting to the money pages. One smart way travel blogs generate income is through affiliate links.

When you recommend a product and the reader buys through your special link, you get a commission. Many blogs earn thousands a month this way!

To use affiliate links properly, you need an Affiliate Disclaimer Page that explains:

  • You use affiliate links to earn income from purchases.
  • Using your links doesn’t affect the buyer’s price at all.
  • You’ll only recommend products/services you genuinely trust and use.

This builds reader trust by being upfront about monetization. Include it in your footer menu for easy access.

Pro tip: Don’t just slap generic links everywhere. Only recommend relevant products naturally in content, like a specific travel backpack you love. Quality over quantity!


Time to Make Bank with Advertising and Sponsors


Another way travel blogs generate revenue is through advertising and sponsors. But you need proper pages set up first.

Create two key pages:

Advertising Page

Explain what types of ads you offer (banner ads, sponsored posts, etc), ad specs and minimums, pricing packages, and how to get in touch.

Having this info ready makes it easy for potential advertisers to work with you.

Sponsorships Page

Share what types of sponsorships you offer (brand ambassador, travel gear review, etc), metrics and audience info, pricing tiers, and your contact details.

This gets brands excited to partner with you once you have an established audience.

Pro tip: Don’t clutter your blog with tons of ads right away. Wait until you have ample traffic and pick partners selectively. Patience pays off!


Optimized for SEO: Category and Location Pages


Alright wanderlusting friends, this next section is a bit more technical but super important. We gotta talk search engine optimization (SEO)!

SEO helps people find your blog through search engines like Google.

Category pages and Location pages are crucial for good SEO.

Here’s why:

Category pages like “Adventure Travel” or “Budget Travel” are optimized around specific topics readers search for. So your content shows up for relevant searches.

Location pages like “Iceland” or “Travel Gear” serve that purpose for destinations and keywords.

Having tailored pages shows search engines you have authority around those subjects. More SEO equals more traffic!

Pro tips:

  • Include lots of keywords on the page itself and in the URL slug (so adve​nture-travel instead of page-2)
  • Link to category/location pages generously from other articles on your blog. This tells Google they are important.
  • Share these pages prominently in navigation and visual menus. Make it easy for readers too.

Takeaway: Category and location pages help travelers find your amazing content!


About the Blogger: Bio Page


We talked about the About Page earlier to introduce your blog…now introduce yourself!

A dedicated Bio Page is the place to really share your personal travel story.

Include details like:

  • Where you grew up
  • What sparked your initial love of travel
  • How long you’ve been globetrotting
  • Cool jobs, skills, and experiences that shaped you
  • Fun facts and quirks readers may not know
  • Your favorite adventures so far
  • Bucket list dreams still to come
  • What inspires and motivates you

Let readers get to know the real you! The Bio Page is all about your own journey as a traveler.

Pro tip: Write it in first person to make it more personal. Add plenty of photos for visual flavor.


Lock Down Logistics on the FAQ Page


Almost done friends! Second to last, let’s cover the super handy FAQ Page.

FAQ stands for Frequently Asked Questions – and this helps you answer common questions readers may have in one place.

Some examples include:

Blog stuff

  • How did you get into travel blogging?
  • How long does it take to create a blog post?
  • What gear and tools do you use?

Travel questions

  • Where do you get money to fund your trips?
  • Do you travel alone?
  • What airlines do you recommend?

Work/sponsor questions

  • Are you available for speaking, freelance gigs?
  • How much do you charge for sponsored posts?
  • Can I guest post on your blog?

Pro tip: Actually pay attention to the questions people ask and let that guide your FAQs! Answer the stuff readers truly want to know.



Travel Blog Footer


Woo hoo – made it to the last essential page/section, the footer! Not the most exciting but still super important.

The footer is the very bottom of your site with things like:

  • Copyright notice
  • Link back to the top of the page
  • Your logo
  • Contact and social links
  • Link to About Page/Bio Page
  • Recent posts or popular posts
  • Link to FAQ Page
  • Newsletter CTA (Call to Action)

It shows up on every page so take advantage of that prime real estate by linking to key pages and conversion opportunities.

Pro tip: Make sure your footer looks fabulous and works well on mobile. People see it the most!


You Did It! Blueprint for Travel Blog Greatness


And that’s a wrap! We covered all the essential pages you need to build a thriving travel blog.

Let’s do a quick recap:

  • Homepage
  • About
  • Resources
  • Popular Posts
  • Contact
  • Affiliate Disclaimer
  • Advertising/Sponsors
  • Category Pages
  • Location Pages
  • Bio
  • FAQ
  • Footer

Phew! That was an epic journey friends. Hopefully, now you feel equipped to get out there and start creating travel blog magic.

If after reading all this you’re feeling overwhelmed about actually getting your travel blog up and running, don’t sweat it!

My team here at Unique Web Designer is ready to help turn your dreams into reality.

Our talented designers and developers specialize in crafting custom WordPress sites for travel bloggers that are fast, modern, and optimized for growth.

We handle all the technical details and can even provide professional writing services to create captivating content.

We offer affordable web design packages to fit any budget. Our client’s success is our top priority – when you thrive, we thrive.

Let us ease the website burden so you can focus on what matters – capturing and sharing your inspiring travels with the world.

We’re ready to make your travel blogging journey smooth sailing!

You have the blueprint – now the fun part is filling in the content!

I can’t wait to see where your adventures take you. Wishing you smooth travels and tailwinds ahead.

Signing off for now – this is your pal Miguel reminding you to always follow your wanderlust. Get out there and explore, travelers!

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Unique Web Designer is a 5-star rated Google reviews company that has worked on many web design projects in the West Palm Beach, FL are.

Ready for a new website?

Here at Unique Web Designer, we can handle all of your web design and development needs. We can also help you create new logos, do proper competition research, and write sales copy for your site. Click below to book a free consultation.